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Working from home allowance

Foxmain Associates

Employed workers can now claim the government's working from home allowance for the 2021/22 tax year. This gives workers a £6 per week allowance to cover home working costs.

Employed workers who were forced to work from home because of the pandemic can now claim the government's working from home allowance for the 2021/22 tax year.

This gives workers a £6 per week allowance to cover home working costs and can be applied for at any time after the new tax year.

The allowance is to cover tax-deductible additional costs that employees who are required to work from home have incurred, such as heating and lighting the workspace and business telephone calls.

The maximum amount reimbursed on which tax relief is allowed is £4 per week up to 5 April 2020, and £6 per week thereafter.

The £6 per week working from allowance is worth £62 for a basic rate tax payer, £125 for higher rate tax payers and £140 for additional rate tax payers for the 2021/22 tax year.

HMRC said that people could claim the working from home allowance for the entire 2020/21 tax year if they had worked from home for just one day because of coronavirus restrictions preventing them from attending their place of work.

At the start of the new tax year on 6 April 2021, HMRC confirmed that the same relaxed rule will apply for the 2021/22 tax year. Those that haven't claimed their allowance for the 2020/21 tax year can do this at the same time as claiming the current tax year. The claims service can be accessed here - Claim tax relief for your job expenses: Working from home - GOV.UK (



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